ECOtanka was born from a passion for health and the environment. Founded in New Zealand, in order to provide the need for just one bottle that would last a life time and keep drinks cool and fresh all day, ECOtanka is proud to have been the first to introduce the concept of stainless steel drink bottles to the people of New Zealand back in 2005. ECOtanka is now globally established as others want what we have.
Aaron Broderick, the founder and owner of ECOtanka, wanted to buy just one drink bottle that was not glass, plastic or aluminium in 2003. Searching all over New Zealand and Australia for 6 months, Aaron ended up extremely disappointed that there was not even one alternative. After looking at every bottle on the market, he wondered why not convert a stainless steel flask to just a single wall bottle that was simple, light and easy to carry. At this stage, the idea of making stainless steel bottles was born and underway for the health benefits for everyone and for the earth's environment by providing the best alternative to plastic bottles.